
LIFE PlasPLUS: participation to “Plastic Innovation Forum” in Brussels, Belgium, on 15 March 2023

Comet Traitements attended the Plastic Innovation Forum in Brussels, Belgium, on 15 March 2023. The Plastic Innovation Forum is an on-going clustering initiative, bringing together projects with policy makers, end-users, industry representatives, investors, start-ups and SMEs.

An opening Policy session featured the European Commission Strategy, the European Commission Directives, the European Research Executive Agency as well as Plastics Recyclers Europe. Additional session focused on R&D and upscaling on a variety of topics including the transport sector, the building & construction sector, food packaging and home appliances.

It was the opportunity to discuss the LIFE PlasPLUS project as well as meeting coordinators and partners of EU project in the field of circular plastic as well as associations like Plastic Recyclers Europe. Mutual contacts have been established to enable future cross fertilization, collaborations and impacting.